Ears on the Big Screen: Hearing Loss in Cinema
Exploring hearing loss and deafness as central themes in film & TV.
Hearing in the Animal Kingdom: What We Can Learn from Cetaceans, Bats, and Dogs
The evolution and diversification of hearing through the chain of species.
Championing Water Quality and Ear Health
Join us this summer in protecting your ears and supporting the fight for clean water.
‘The Great Gig in the Mind’ - Part 2
Science and art collide - the results from looking at neural patterns of music listening, in collaboration with Pollen Music Group and Dolby Labs.
The Sound of Precision, pt.2: IEM’s Born in the USA
The homecoming tour of where and how IEMs were born.
Image courtesy of @ultimateearspro
‘The Great Gig in the Mind’ - Pink Floyd meets Neuroscience
Science and art collide - looking at neural patterns of music listening in collaboration with Pollen Music Group and Dolby Labs.
The Sound of Precision, pt.1: Best of British In-Ear Monitors
A deep dive into UK made & manufactured IEM’s.
Image courtesy of @cosmicears
Conversation with Hearing Loss, & the Power of Lip Reading
Hearing speech by sight presents a huge benefit in noisy environments.